Welcome to the homepage of the Dutch artist Radboud Oomens.

Find out interesting things about the succesful violinist and father of a big family — or have a look at his lifestory as well as at his repertoire list.Listen to the recital-CD, get the pictures or read about his experiences as orchestra-violinist. Don't hesitate, to leave your greetings in the guest book — or, if you find that too unpersonally, to contact him per e-mail


YouTube Playlist to my last concert the 27th of August 2023

My first cooperation with the French pianist Olivier Lechardeur at Vachères. All recordings from the "Église Saint-Christophe" visible by this link
» Playlist Vachères

pour les amis Français 2

Sur cette page il n'y pas un site Français. Mais Ici vous trouvez mon Canal Youtube: RMONDR
» Canal Youtube

The 42 Kreutzer Studies new from Schott-Music Mainz

Finally they exist: the 42 Kreutzer exercises in a unique original edition, with original fingerings and bowings from Kreutzer as well as with additional fingerings, bowings and practice tipps from Maria Egelhof and Radboud Oomens. Edited by Schott-Music.
» Schott Music Mainz

DAS ORCHESTER Oktober 2007

The article Simultanfähig? has been printed in the german Magazine DAS ORCHESTER from Oktober 2007.
» www.dasorchester.de

True sonic concurrence in strings, Masterclasses and auditiontraining

Alle forms, information and texts for download
» courses


This trademark stands for all issues of the masterclasses Orchestral playing, which we give in Altenberg and Neuwied-Engers (Germany). It contents auditiontraining with soloworks and orchestral passages, basic teaching and training of simultanously playing, for starters and advanced players.
» What means OrchesterPro ?

Radboud Oomens on Youtube

On Youtube you find some recordings by Radboud Oomens, audio and video.
» to Youtube

fascinating orchestra play, the ideal, a new publication

Please read this article. It tells, how orchestra playing can give a live long fascination and motivation !
» fascinating orchestra play

Concerts / Masterclass

Pour les candidats Français

La Traduction de L'article "Simultanfähig", "Das Orchester" Octobre 2007: "Comment jouer dans un orchestre"
» Comment jouer dans un orchestre

Pour les candidats Français

Traduction en Français de l'article "OrchesterPro"
» OrchesterPro Français

Download Musicsheets

Only for students and participants of our masterclasses you find music for download. This site is protected by username and password. Send an E-Mail to me in order to get accessdetails.
» to contactsite